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Monkeying Around

Yesterday, two wild monkeys kept us company while we worked! They were a bit camera shy though, so you’ll have to take my word for it.

The past two days were spent working on dental equipment. The first item on the list was a suction machine. We immediately noticed there was a water heater unit completely missing, but the doctors were only interested in the suction apparatus anyway. All it needed was a new fuse and some adjustments to the wiring, but we had to wait for the dentist to buy the fuse in Dar Es Salaam since they didn’t have it in Kisarawe. In addition, we fixed a water bath and a test tube shaker plate. Some of this equipment, like the shaker plate, hasn’t been working for so long that the doctors don’t even remember what exactly they used it for.

Victor invited us to dinner at his house on Wednesday night. Before eating, he served us hot, fresh “African milk from an African cow” as he called it. Nathan wasn’t the biggest fan so he snuck some to the paca (cat). Then we had, you guessed it, wali na maharage (rice and beans). We finished the meal with some tikitimaji (watermelon) and juicy oranges. That's about the extent of my Swahili, and you can see that it mostly revolves around food. We ended the evening listening to Victor play songs by Justin Bieber on his guitar—a big change from his previous selections by Celine Dion. It's always entertaining to discover what music and other things from home are popular here!

In case you are wondering, Nathan's finger seems to be healing just fine and he hasn't let it slow him down—sometimes I just have to lend him a hand (pun intended).

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About Me

Welcome to my summer blog! I'm capturing my student experience on my trip to Tanzania this summer, assessing hospital equipment and resources in low-resource areas such as Kisarawe District Hospital.





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