Our goal is design medical devices and equipment that is more applicable to today’s developing countries. While we do seek to minimize costs, simply making a cheap device is not our purpose. Instead, we look to provide devices and equipment that is more sustainable, able to be manufactured within the developing country, easily repairable, and very affordable.
We design, test, and implement novel medical ideas to help improve the lives of those in need within our global community.
Clemson University offers an amazing joint research-class opportunity known as Creative Inquiry. For these classes, students take on problems that spring from their own curiosity, from a professor's challenge or from the pressing needs of the world around them. Team-based investigations are led by a faculty mentor and typically span two to four semesters. Students take ownership of their projects and take the risks necessary to solve problems and get answers.
Topics are boundless. Students often find themselves presenting their work at national conferences, fielding questions from professionals. This invaluable experience produces exceptional graduates. Our Creative Inquiry participants develop critical thinking skills, learn to solve problems as a team and hone their communication and presentation skills.
Check out Clemson’s Creative Inquiry Site for more information!